Investing and Trading A-Term Day 1- Andres Yengle
Today was the first day of the Investing and Trading A term. We started off the day with everyone taking turns talking about what they hope/want to learn from this A term. Next, Dr. Ott gave everyone a topic and we all individually researched. We researched a variety of things including real estate, investments, options, and even forex trading. After we finished up researching we all came back together to report back to the rest of the class what we learned. We also started our Investopedia game this morning which is where we can simulate how it's like to trade in the stock market.
After lunch, we finished up our presentations. We then discussed a little more about trading stocks and how the Investopedia game is going to work. We are given $50,000 of fake money to start off with and are able to trade any stock that we would like. We were given time to explore and time to try and learn the ins and outs of trading. We ended the day by reporting back to the class about what we did and how we felt about the day. I think everyone can agree we all learned so many new things

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