obviously mia- Reflecting on why I suddenly decided upon becoming a vile and repulsive capitalisT

 Greetings my good brethren, I doubt any of you read this, but I do have to say I learned a fair amount over the course of these 8 days, such as some basic lingo how to read those ethereal candlestick graphs and apply some handy dandy strategies, as well as how one could wedge themselves into real estate and the toiling labor that goes into such investment. I'll start off by saying I chose this course for the obvious reason of making quick money and quickly discovered the horrid truth of the minute chance of that being a possibility with trading and investing stock, however, joyfully, I stumbled upon some silver lining, and that being investing in real estate, which also isn't quick money, but hey, its faster than stocks if your strategic about what your doing. 

Will I be sharing any of those strategies I learned with you, NO, for I shall become a vile and repulsive capitalist! 

Anyways, I won't get too in depth about anything if you want to know how to create passive income in this repugnant hostile climate this a term is a good one to consider (if it even exists next year). In a dog eat dog world money is a good thing to have if you actually want to enjoy your short life to its' fullest, I say short because time passes very quickly and if you want a leg up in investing you should start now. Thank you and goodnight I may or may not wish you the best of luck!


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